I've paid with Klarna - how do returns work?

Your refund will be issued back to the credit or debit card that you used to make the original purchase. To arrange a return, please contact our consumer care team within 30 days of the order date.

If you made your payment using Klarna, you can expect to receive your refund within 10 working days after the return has been processed. Klarna will refund all payments you have already made. The refund will be issued back to the credit or debit card that you used to pay your first installment. In case you have remaining instalments, Klarna will cancel any future scheduled payments.

If you have outstanding payments (instalments), they will be automatically adjusted to reflect your return. To stay updated on your payment schedule and manage your account, you can download the Klarna App or log into your Klarna account.

For further assistance or if you have any questions regarding your refund or Klarna payments, please feel free to contact our consumer care team. They will be happy to assist you.

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