Loweprofessionals Interview:

Chandler Borries

By Lowepro | 5 minutes 

A shared commitment towards environmental protection, and passion for the outdoors is at the core of our collaboration with Loweprofessional Chandler Borries. We had the chance to interview him to learn all about his passions and upcoming works! 

Your work shows a particular mix of a genuine commercial view and a refined voice of a landscape photographer. How did you develop this particular and very effective style?

It definitely took time to develop my sense of style and voice through photography. I’ve always been inspired by the outdoors but I didn’t know which direction to take when I first started shooting. All I knew was that I wanted to be outside and shoot in natural light. Years of refining the process and having the opportunity to work with a variety of brands has ultimately helped me find my niche. I love shooting outdoors because every day is different. You always have to adapt to the landscape, weather and lighting to take the best images. This keeps me on my toes and drives my creativity.  

How did you become a professional photographer?

At the time, I was living in Australia working in the surf industry and feeling very uninspired. I was ready for a change. Traveling has always been something that I have prioritized. Discovering new cultures and new waves has been a highlight of my life. However, I wanted to capture the sense of adventure and exploration I had during my trips but didn't know where to start. After Australia, I moved to Sri Lanka for three months. It was here where I started shooting for a surf and yoga retreat. I was taking images for them and working with their other photographers from Europe. I heard their stories of traveling the world and the brands they were working with. One guest at the lodge was one of Red Bull’s main photographers. He told me that he was a bartender until he was 31 before he found his calling! This gave me hope. After living in Sri Lanka, I felt so inspired that I jumped into it head first. I traveled to 35 countries after this, building a portfolio and learning as I went. The rest is history! 

Travel seems to be the fuel of your photography. What is your connection to the world and the environment?

Travel and adventure is definitely the fuel of my photography! I’ve always been a surfer at heart, which is why I originally started traveling the world frequently. The natural world is a beautiful place full of inspiration. Any time I go outdoors, I feel a sense of calm and awe. This is the head space where my images are derived. The sense of connection I get from the places and the stories that abound them drive my photography.

What’s your vision on sustainability and how do you integrate it in your day to day job as a photographer?

I think we can all do our part to be more sustainable. The small things make a difference on a big scale. Bringing a reusable water bottle to my shoots, a packed lunch in a reusable case and carpooling are just a few small day to day decisions that lead to a more sustainable future. 

What aspect of the Lowepro products made you choose them as your work mates for this project?

Lowepro has been the industry leader in the outdoor space for decades. I first came to their headquarters in 2021 to meet their design and marketing team. This trip showed me their commitment to sustainability. I was impressed by aspects of the company like their green bar, which shows the percentage of recyclable fabrics used in their bags. The conversations we had were uplifting as their commitment to the environment was always in the foreground. After this trip, I knew they were the perfect partner for the project.

What’s the next big personal project you’ll be working on?

The next personal project I’m currently working on is my photography workshop in Patagonia this spring. It’s going to be an incredible experience and I’m so excited to have Lowepro, Manfrotto and Arc’teryx on board to shoot their product!  

Aside from this, my primary attention will be directed to Forests For The Future and Western Charity, another charity I have started which funds individuals in developing nations that have been directly affected by Covid-19. 

Read more about Chandler
and his new project "Forests for the Future".

To further combat the effects of climate change, Chandler established Forests For The Future. It's a non-profit organization dedicated to replanting trees in regions of the world that have been most severely affected by excessive logging and forest fires. Chandler has partnered with Lowepro as an ambassador to support the implementation of Forests For The Future's mission to replant 10 million trees by 2025.